Giana turns 8 months today! She has been on the move nonstop since she started crawling. She is standing up like a big girl too. Let's just say mommy is getting her exercise! We have had a wonderful start to the summer months. Walking with friends, grilling out, going to the parks, and enjoying the sunshine makes this last week of school seem to go on forever!
Memorial Day weekend was gorgeous. On Saturday morning, we asked Jared's parents to come to see Giana's swim lesson for the first time. They were proud grandparents to say the least! Also, Jared's best friend JJ came for the weekend to visit. JJ is a missionary to Togo with his wife Melissa and new beautiful baby girl, Amelia Capri. Isn't that a gorgeous name for a girl? Love. We took JJ to Holland-one of my favorite places. It was a gorgeous day to shop downtown, and walk the pier. While we were in Holland, Giana had her first experience on the sand. I'll let her picture tell you how much she liked it. We met a great girl Whitney who just moved here from Texas. I have been attempting to show her around GR, although I am the worst at directions and still get lost after living here for almost 4 times! Well, that's my brief update on the past few weeks. I hope you enjoy the new pictures. I couldn't resist the sand one. ;)
Have a great day! -AGM
Memorial Day Dress from Nana Fun in the sand ;)

Holland Pier
Standing up like a big girl!